We understand that emergencies happen. That’s why Foy Aesthetic and Family Dentistry offers same-day emergency dentistry appointments for our current patients. We can treat teeth that have been chipped, moved, or even knocked out entirely. Call our office as soon as possible to schedule an emergency appointment.
What injuries require emergency dentistry?
Sometimes it is obvious when an injury requires emergency dentistry, but others can be hard to tell. Common injuries that need emergency care include:
- cracked teeth.
- broken teeth.
- knocked-out teeth.
These can happen from:
- biting a very hard piece of food.
- a fall.
- a sports injury.
- normal play.
When a chipped or fractured tooth is very small, it’s possible to wait for a dentist appointment, but whenever possible, you should seek immediate dental care. When the chip or fracture is large, a big piece of the tooth is missing, the tooth has nerve damage, or is knocked out completely, you should get dental care immediately.
Foy Aesthetic and Family Dentistry offers same-day emergency dentistry appointments, for our current patients.
What to Do When Your Child Has a Dental Emergency
If a tooth is knocked out, try to touch it as little as possible. Rinse off any visible dirt. Try to put the tooth back in the socket, but be very careful that your child does not swallow the tooth. If the tooth will not stay in the socket, put it in a container of milk and bring it with you to the appointment.
Sometimes dental emergencies are not the result of injuries. If you or your child feel severe tooth pain that interferes with your activities, you should seek emergency dental care.